Navigating Dry Seasons

Have you ever felt like you were on the right path? Like God spoke to you, guiding you to start a business, move to a new city, or change careers? You felt a deep certainty that this was His plan for you? So, you embarked on that journey, following His lead. But as the initial excitement fades, you find yourself in a dry season, a desert. Maybe you're struggling to sense God's presence in what once felt so clear.

I've been there. I've questioned whether I should continue on the path God set before me. But I've learned something important through it all: don't give up. Don't surrender to the lies the enemy whispers, convincing you that you've misunderstood God's will. If God has called you to it, He will see you through it.

Those words aren't mine; they're my wife's. And they ring true. God hears you. He sees you. He understands your doubts and fears. Talk to Him. Pour out your heart, He knows what you need, and He will provide. Remember, what you think and what He knows may differ, so release your grip and trust in your Heavenly Father.

I can promise you this: He loves you more than you can imagine, and He desires the best for you.


Walking the Walk


Reflecting Grace